Software Architecture Camp | 19. – 22. Juni 2023 | Online

Software Architecture Camp | 19. – 22. Juni 2023 | Online

Lade Veranstaltungen
  • Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.

Software Architecture Camp - Foundation Level (19. – 22. June 2023)

In this intensive workshop, we prepare you specifically and practically for software architecture tasks. You will learn methodical tools of successful architects: How should you proceed? How do you design and communicate your architectures? What tools are available to you? How do you evaluate the quality of architectures?

After the workshop, you have the opportunity to be examined and certified by an independent examination institution as a “Certified Professional for Software Architecture – Foundation Level (CPSA-F)” according to the standardized curriculum of the “International Software Architecture Qualification Board” (iSAQB,

Please note: In order to ensure an optimal and high quality training situation, a maximum of 12 participants will be admitted.

Further Information

Detailed information about the content and agenda of the Software Architecture Camp Foundation and the iSAQB certification can be found here.

Workshop Soft Skills für Softwarearchitekt:innen (12. Juni)

Im Software Architecture Camp wird deutlich werden, dass auch verschiedene soziale Kompetenzen nötig sind, um die Rolle eines/einer Softwarearchitekt:in auszufüllen. Der Workshop: Soft Skills für Softwarearchitekt:innen findet in der Regel am ersten Tag vor dem Software Architecture Camp statt. Die Inhalte ergänzen das Software Architecture Camp in hervorragender Weise. Sie stärken in diesem Workshop Ihre entsprechenden Fertigkeiten, z.B. in den Bereichen Führung, Konfliktmanagement und Präsentation. Die Arbeit an Fällen aus dem Projektalltag der Teilnehmer:innen gewährt einen hohen Praxisbezug.

Weitere Informationen

Ausführliche Informationen zu den Inhalten und der Agenda des Software Architecture Camp Foundation und der iSAQB-Zertifizierung finden Sie hier.


Dr. Michael Sperber ist Geschäftsführer der Active Group GmbH in Tübingen, die Individualsoftware ausschließlich mit funktionaler Programmierung entwickelt. Er ist international anerkannter Experte für funktionale Programmierung und wendet sie seit über 20 Jahren in Forschung, Lehre und industrieller Entwicklung an. Außerdem hat er zahlreiche Fachartikel und Bücher zum Thema verfasst. Michael Sperber ist Mitbegründer des Blogs und Mitorganisator der Entwicklerkonferenz BOB. Er hat zusammen mit Nicole Rauch das iSAQB-Curriculum „Funktionale Software-Architektur“ entwickelt.

Dr. Michael Sperber:

Dr. Michael Sperber is the managing director of Active Group GmbH in Tübingen, which develops individual software exclusively with functional programming. He is an internationally recognized expert in functional programming and has been applying it in research, teaching, and industrial development for over 20 years. He has also authored numerous technical articles and books on the subject. Michael Sperber is co-founder of the blog and co-organizer of the developer conference BOB. Together with Nicole Rauch, he developed the iSAQB curriculum “Functional Software Architecture”.


You define the location where training takes place – whether at the workplace or at the home office in familiar surroundings. Our trainer is wherever you are. Enjoy maximum flexibility in choosing your place of learning.

Daily Training times

Dial-In: everyday from 8:45 am
Training: 9.00 am – 5 pm

Note on the iSAQB certification exam (online)

The subsequent optional exam to become a „Certified Professional for Software Architecture“ (iSAQB) will take place on Thrursday, June  22 2023, from 3:30 p.m. to approximately 5:00 p.m.. The exam is optional and will be conducted by an independent and commissioned examiner of iSAQB. It costs 250 € in addition to the seminar price. The appointed iSAQB examining institution will send you an extra invoice for the amount after the exam. We register all participants for the exam in advance. If you do not want to take part in the certification exam, a short information during the event is sufficient.


  • Early Bird: Register until May 18th and save up to 100 € per ticket!
  • Team Discount: Register 3 or more colleagues and save 100 € per ticket!